Body Imaging :: Styku

What Is Styku?

Independent Images Starts @ $50.00 Body Imaging included with HCG and Fat reduction packages

The Styku 3D body fat scanner is an innovative approach to assessing body composition, tracking changes in your body, aiding in weight loss, and building fitness and health-related goals.

The Styku 3D scanner as a body fat scale has the capacity to generate measurements that allow individuals to better visualize where they are in regard to health and wellness. During a quick scan, millions of data points are recorded using more than 600 infrared images.

This data is then uploaded to the intelligent Styku software, where a 3D model of the body is created. This model and the details extracted from the data speak to individuals both numerically and visually while allowing professionals to obtain hyper-accurate measurements and view body composition in greater detail.

Here at Slim Again , we utilize the Styku 3D scanner to assist clients on their journey to optimized health. With the measurements obtained from the scan, we can guide the patient to effectively craft personalized goals, track results and place you on the path to increased health, vitality, and well-being.

How Is Styku Done?

No Hassles
Tape measures, painful calipers, and hand-held analyzers of questionable accuracy are all replaced by Styku. Styku is quick and non-invasive
Just Stand & Relax
You simply stand on the Styku turntable—relaxed and facing forward with arms slightly extended—and hold still for 30 seconds while the platform revolves.
Data Points & Infrared Images
Styku captures millions of data points and 600 infrared images, and after the scan is complete, Styku displays an accurate 3D model of you that’s viewable from a variety of perspectives.
Rotate, Pan, Zoom
You can rotate, pan, zoom, and nest silhouettes to see real progress. It’s an honest, objective way to measure yourself as you progress toward your health and fitness goals.